Thursday, August 9, 2012
Another Book
I recently received another complimentary book from Bethany House, Almost Amish. Summer was upon me and I was loving the idea of laying poolside and doing what I do best-relaxing and reading. The premise of this story was very intriguing and almost anyone in today's modern society with its constant demands and urgency would find it appealing. A reality show that tries to duplicate Amish life. The main characters were highly relatable. I enjoyed the insightful revelations and continued aspect of all things simple are not necessary easier or convienent. However I did not feel that there were any real surprised that were not to be expected. This story is a good summer read with a predictable ending.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Good new series
I love to read. Yes, it is usually just for fun and it thrills me to no end when I find a great good that keeps me up till the wee hours of the morning because I just have to know what happens next. Well...I recently received Submerged, by Dani Pettrey, and that is what happened. The story is an immediately gripping tale that draws you in and has you rooting for the characters. The regrettable past and pain are excellently portraited for Bailey. Cole emerges as a deeply loyal and caring character that instantly shows all the attributes of a hero. I enjoyed all the characters and their interactions as well as the suspense and the intertwined love stories. The scenery and descriptive imagery was fascinating and the history was interesting. The end was a bit abrupt but I am definitely hooked to get the next book in the Alaskan Courage series.
Another read
I recently received a free book from Bethany House publishers, Prize of My Heart, by Lisa Norato. The story was an interesting one and I enjoyed the unexpected twists of events. I do wish she would have taken more time to compare the main character with our Lord God, and our adoption as child of God. I would not give great praise but it was a nice pool side summer read.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Fun with Friends
Tomorrow, tomorrow...
The girls got a great Christmas gift of tickets to the play Annie for March from Grandma. So all the girls made a special date. We headed down early for a special fancy "pinky raisin'" meal.
Add was not so happy to have her napped shortened.
However, once the show began all were captivated with the performance. Terr and Add had a wonderful time. They were so enthralled and not a disruption, I was surprised given that I cannot even read a book to them without a plethora of questions and interuptions. Once the lights were flashed to indicate the conclusion of intermission, Terr was almost in tears that she did not want to miss it and was ready to throw away the large bag of candy to return to her seat. Add has taken to calling the dog "Sandy", found a red and white polka doted dress she calls her "Annie" outfit, they sing "It's a Hard Enough Life" during chore time, and "Tomorrow" at bedtime, and we have bribed Add to give up the pacifier for the original movie. It was a most memorable time.
However, once the show began all were captivated with the performance. Terr and Add had a wonderful time. They were so enthralled and not a disruption, I was surprised given that I cannot even read a book to them without a plethora of questions and interuptions. Once the lights were flashed to indicate the conclusion of intermission, Terr was almost in tears that she did not want to miss it and was ready to throw away the large bag of candy to return to her seat. Add has taken to calling the dog "Sandy", found a red and white polka doted dress she calls her "Annie" outfit, they sing "It's a Hard Enough Life" during chore time, and "Tomorrow" at bedtime, and we have bribed Add to give up the pacifier for the original movie. It was a most memorable time.
Book Review
I enjoy reading, it could be considered my favorite hobby because unlike so many other things that wax and wane with seasons and life I am always in a book somewhere. I recently got the opportunity to read Unashamed To Bear His Name, by R. T. Kendall from Bethany House Publishers. I had previously not had any knowledge of the author and therefore had no preconcieved notions about his convictions and experiences. Throughout the book I found refreshing wisdom in his experiences. It was a thought provoking read and helped for introspection on what motivated behaviors, be it sound Biblical conviction or religion habit. How far would you be willing to go to follow God's direction? What or who would you give up for Him? These questions seem ready for the rote answer but Jesus revealed to me the need to stop and see faces/items/experiences before responding. An exceptionally faith growing tool.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Our latest miracle
Without sharing too much of my husbands testimony (for it is his to share for God's glory)...four and a half years ago I would have told you, "You are crazy!' to suggest what happened two weeks ago. We were honored and blessed to have our leader and my dear husband ordained as a deacon for our church.
The service was done so beautifully with our pastor sharing a few words and the previously ordained men laying hands on the new inductees and praying over them. We had some extended family and friends join us and a nice reception followed. The girls and I made a fun DD (Deacon Doug, Deacon Dad) and cross cap for him as well as the church giving him a new personalized Bible.
I cannot find words to express my graditude for God's faithfulness and grace. Praise God, the Holy Spirit intercedes for me.
The service was done so beautifully with our pastor sharing a few words and the previously ordained men laying hands on the new inductees and praying over them. We had some extended family and friends join us and a nice reception followed. The girls and I made a fun DD (Deacon Doug, Deacon Dad) and cross cap for him as well as the church giving him a new personalized Bible.
I cannot find words to express my graditude for God's faithfulness and grace. Praise God, the Holy Spirit intercedes for me.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Doggy Drama

After arriving back home after 1:20am, Maggie recieved 12 stitches (slice was to the muscle), many a drugs, a nice shave job, nail clipping and cone of shame.
Now just to recover, or so we thought.
After two fulls weeks and reassurance that the wound was healing great I was at the vets bright and early to get the stitches out. "All is well," I futily said. Then I received a phone call from my hunny that the dog had somehow chewed over half of her scab back open while I was out for the day! I arrive back at the vet's office and wait till past closing to be worked back in. Eight staples are put in and another round of antibotics are given.
6 days past and then Maggie is bored and pulls out almost all her stitches. I ponder the necessity of four legs on a dog. The vet graciously works us in again. Well since the wound has been open and exposed for some time we will have to do hydro-therapy. That term has a nice sound to it. Unfornately it means that I must shoot a firm steady stream of water directly onto the wound for 30 minutes twice a day. Apparently the dog is wanting for attention.
Her new cone is now a good 6 inches longer than her face therefore we have to enter the magaphone to pet her head. After a week of 'intense' therapy it is beginning to close.
Also the food and water bowls that have been lowered for access are tipped over almost daily since Maggie's new circumference is incomprehendible. I think we will have to repaint the entire house if we ever get her totally healed because she has hit every corner and wall in this house with her blades of plastic crown. I can hardly wait for the dog days of summer to roll around.

Thursday, March 29, 2012
A house FULL
We served as a host home for a group of 7th grade girls during a Discipline Now weekend. This entailed helping to shuttle back and forth to church and service projects as well as feed and provide somewhere to sleep. Well...we sometimes subscribe to the mentality that if a couple is good, that a few is better, and lots is the best. We had an additional 15 teenage girls in our home, my mother and our brod of 5, and my dear husband who had to earn some kind of 'well done'. We had the potential for neighborhood volume ordinance violations and my poor vacuum looked like it swallow a medium sized cat afterwards but it was a blast and we truly enjoyed it.
Happy Birthday
My lovable, playful Ter had her 7th birthday. We celebrated with several sweet girl friends and plenty of sugar. I must have been crazy in love with her because I talked myself into getting her a guinea pig that she had been asking for the last several months. He was a hit, and is kinda growing on us all.
I can use it as a class pet and an elective credit right?
I can use it as a class pet and an elective credit right?
Girlfriend time
I was able to sneak away in January for a wonderful long weekend to scrapbook with some sweet ladies. Although I am chronologically still working on my 2nd child's book around age 3, I chant the "The Little Engine's" mantra everytime. I love the wonderful ideas that are exchanged and the sweet conversations and encouragement. One of 20+ I got done, as well as one I would like to attempt. Everyone was going digital so I guess I can add that to my continually growing list of things to try.
A good gift
This is a VERY delayed post but I am trying to catch and keep up. I was finally able to get a good surpise gift for my dear husband, Aggie playoff tickets. I thought I had it all wrapped up and done in secret till he started talking about buying some tickets a week and a half before Christmas. Somehow I got him distracted and he was pleasantly surprised. The game was exciting, there is something about live sporting events that makes it so much more enjoyable then watching on television. Aggies won and their marching band was amazing to see!
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